Docker in Azure

Georgia Tech big data bootcamp training material

We can create a Docker on Ubuntu Server in Azure, and then pull image from

Launch an Azure instance

  1. Open the Portal in Azure at
  2. Click Virtual Machines on left sidebar.
  3. Click “+ ADD” to create a new instance
  4. Type “docker” in search box, and select ”Docker on Ubuntu Server”
  5. Click “Create” on the introduction page
  6. Fill your host name, user name, authentication.
  7. Click Pricing Tier, and choise A2 or A3
  8. Click “create” to create the instance

Connect to the instance

  1. Open the Portal in Azure at
  2. Click All resources on left sidebar.
  3. Select your “Virtual machine (classic)” or “Cloud service”
  4. find Public IP addresses in “Overview”
  5. Login via command “ssh your-username@public-ip” in *nix or using putty for windows

Start a docker container

Most of the related application are already installed, you can also install other apps with command “apt-get”.

For example:

sudo apt-get install git

and then execute

git clone

to clone related data.

You can start docker with command

docker run -it --privileged=true -m 4096m -h bootcamp1.docker -v $HOME/bigdata-bootcamp:/home/ec2-user/bigdata-bootcamp sunlab/bigdata:0.04.1 /bin/bash

Please follow this guide to start and stop services.


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